
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival takes places in April 2011

There are roughly three months left in the commencement of 12th Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival that is scheduled to be held on April 15, 16, and 17 in its native venue, The Empire Polo Field, in Indio, California. Coachella is known for its lineup of famous national level performers and 2011 Coachella will be no exceptional. The country’s largest music festival was sold out in just 5 days and if sources are to be beloved there are chances for Coachella to win America's best music festival award held at the at the annual Pollstar Awards in Los Angeles. If this happens, it would be the seventh time in eight years that Coachella will earn this feat.

The 2011 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, was announced as the biggest heavy metal concert in America and immediately after its announcement became the fastest selling festival in Coachella history. The hot lineup of 2011 Coachella includes big names like Animal Collective, Chromeo, Gogol Bordello and Cold War Kids; the four performers also set the Coachella stage on fire in 2008. The one album old band Mumford & Sons will be performing on Saturday, April 16, 2011 along with Arcade Fire, Kanye West, The Strokes, and the Kings of Leon. The lineup is huge but around 30% of the performers at 2011 Coachella Valley have already performed at the festival at any point of time.

Goldenvoice being as the organizers of the biggest American music festival always receives criticism regarding poor customer services and event management. But this year the bright chances of winning America's best music festival awards has made Goldenvoice to add 10 acres of parking and concert space to give better customer support. Goldenvoice also added a new sixth venue for less known and local artists to amuse attendees who demand fresh blood at the festival.

Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival takes places in April when temperature in the Desert of Indio start rising and Coachella remains the only Festival to say a happy goodbye to spring before heat makes people sweating. People from distant areas come to attend this music festival and biggest concern for them is where to stay if they want to enjoy the festival all three days. The most suitable options are car camping or a tent at the Lake Eldorado campsite but they don’t offer night stay. However if you fail to get hold either of them, you can avail the nearest camping facility, the details of these offsite camping is available at Coachella’s website.

Learning Bass Guitar - Playing Bass Guitar

There are different types of guitars. You will often notice this when bands are playing. Have you ever tried playing a bass guitar? If you don’t know how to play one, then you can start to learn bass guitar playing.

Did you know that bass guitar playing is very easy? It is among the simplest musical instruments that even children can learn to play in a short time. Beginners are advised to learn the different notes one by one. This way, you will avoid being confused and some possible problems.

If this is your first time to play a bass guitar and you haven’t played any other instrument, make sure that you use the fretted guitar. This will make it easier for you to learn the notes and how to play them.

On the onset of your learning to play a bass guitar, you will not need the instrument. You will first have to concentrate on finger exercises. It doesn’t really matter which hand you use. The guitar instrument can be played both by right handed and left handed individuals. Try to relax your fingers. Later on, lift your left or right hand making a ninety degrees angle with the floor. Lift your fingers one by one and make sure that you this in rapid succession.

After conducting the finger exercises, you can now use the bass guitar. Place the guitar on your thigh with the strings opposite your body. Most bass guitars have a sloped body but if yours is different, you can use your forearm to adjust the guitar’s position.

The neck of the guitar should be supported by your left or right hand. Place your thumb on the E string. This string is located midway of all the strings on the guitar. Your index and middle finger should be on string D. This is found two strings down the E. try to pluck each string in succession. Don’t expect to get this lesson right away. It may take awhile before you can master it. If you’re patient, you learn this much faster.

How are you going to learn these things? You can have several options. You can buy a DVD program that focuses mainly on bass guitar playing. Aside from that, you can also sign up for guitar lessons but this is a bit expensive. If you want to learn playing bass guitar inexpensively or even for free, start surfing the net and find some information regarding the guitar playing.

If you’re really into bass guitars, it would be best learn at an early age. So if you have kids who are interested in the said guitars, give them lessons right away. However, it’s never too old to learn. If you want to give it a shot, you may do so. Just make sure that you are motivated enough, confident, and patient. You should also devote enough time to it so that you can master the lessons.

Playing guitar together with other people is a very fun activity. It can help you relax and you can meet a lot of people. If you know how to play the guitar, you can perform songs and make it more interesting especially when played with other guitarists, just like that of the bands. Learn bass guitar now; start with the basics and then try to learn the advanced notes as well.

Learn Guitar - Ways to Get a Grip on Guitar Theory

One great thing about the guitar is that there are many stuff you can learn to play on the guitar without needing to understand any music theory. However, at some time, to be able to understand how playing the guitar works on a much deeper level, you need to know some basic guitar theory. Guitar theory will allow you to learn chords, scales, and other abilities about the guitar such as sight reading, that will permit you to definitely rapidly improve in your instrument.

Lets take a look some methods to obtain a grip in your guitar theory so that you can learn beginner guitar.

Understand playing the guitar notes:

You'll have a much easier time mastering theory in your six string by mastering your notes about the fretboard of your guitar. The bare minimum with this is to learn the first four frets on the first six strings of the guitar. The more you know where the important points are on the fretboard the simpler you will be able to figure out key placement for notes and scales on your guitar.

Learn practical piano:

Just about all modern theory is based on the piano. Although it's not necessary to master piano to learn guitar theory, it sure helps accelerate the process. When learning theory in your instrument, you need to know some what is known as functional keyboard. Functional piano is not understanding how to experience the piano. Practical piano is where you take standard music theory which originates from the piano, and applying it to your guitar. Thankfully, You do not understand how to take part in the piano, just be aware of chords of the piano. Learning notes about the piano is really really simple when compared with mastering all of the notes in your six string.

Learn and apply standard music theory:

Standard theory basically includes mastering how to read music, intervals, scales, chords, and rhythm. Similar to mastering beginner guitar, there are several very practical steps that fit one to another while studying music theory. One key, however, to mastering music theory for that guitar would be to learn how to apply what you are in theory learning immediately.

Look for a guitar instructor you never know guitar theory:

Putting the concepts of music theory can be dramatically improved by finding a music theory teacher. Even better, look for a guitar instructor who understands standard music theory and how to put it on to the guitar.

Learn To Read Guitar Tabs

There are several procedures to learning to play the guitar. You can enroll in a music school. You can have a private tutor. Watch a buddy play and imitate him as accurately as you can. Or teach yourself how to do it.

Self-study would be the best for learning the guitar since music schools and private guitar instructors will costs you some money and your guitar-playing buddies aren't always around. It is going to be a bit harder and will naturally take more precious time and that is understandable since you are learning on your own. Now, countless tools and aids are obtainable that can help you to become a guitar player. Since you're an amateur, to learn to read guitar tabs or tablature is a must. It will be easy to learn and play the guitar just in case you learn to read guitar tabs fast.

The main factor why you've to learn to read guitar tabs is because they can help in reading the notations. A guitar tablature have six lines where each line denotes a certain string of the six stringed guitar. The E string is represented by the lowermost line, the A string is represented by the second line and so on and so forth. You will also find numbers placed in the lines. These numbers specify the fret on the guitar is the tab that should be played. In cases where the number is 0, the way that it's to be played in an open string.

Playing chords used to be hard and even harder to learn. However, learning and playing chords are not as hard as they used to be having the help of guitar tabs. Using guitar tab, a chord will become a simple and readable form. A tab that shows countless numbers indicates that all of the notes have to be played altogether. Playing it will be easier when you can effortlessly learn to read guitar tabs.

There are actually several tactics of playing a tab. These include bend, hammer-on, pull-off, palm mute, slide, slide up, slide down and tap. For a better, faster and exciting learning process, you need to be identifiable with these methods.

Also, take note of the rhythm. Same with any musical instrument, it would be tough to recognize the rhythm of how to play a song when you're not aware of or haven't heard of the song. This is why you should be certain that the songs you rehearse are the ones that you recognize or have heard before. A guitar tablature indicates the rhythm of a song. This is determined by how close or far the numbers are in a tab. The closer the numbers are to each other, the faster these are to be played. The further they are away from each other, the slower those are to be played. With regards to rhythm, it's the general rule. While you're still learning to read guitar tabs, you have to take note about this rule.

Easy Guitar Lessons for Beginners

Relevance Info Services, an international publisher of quality information asked me as a professional musician and guitar player to reveal a number of methods to learn play the guitar. There are a lot of methods today but also a lot of difference between those methods. I try to guide you to take the right decision based upon your personal goals

This article is about “Easy Guitar Lessons for Beginners”. More subject related articles will follow later on.

Yes! It’s possible. You can take easy guitar lessons without ever spending a dime. Following you will find four easy lessons to aid you in learning how to play the guitar.

Easy Guitar Lessons Number 1: How to hold a guitar.

Normally, you play the guitar on the leg. You’ll be strumming using your dominant hand so the guitar goes to the side of your dominant hand as well. Keep the guitar nice and straight, nice and close. Sometimes the guitar slides off your leg while playing because you bend your back to look at the placement of your fingers on the frets. This is quite normal for guitar players. But, it is important to stay away from bad habits while you’re just starting. So again, keep the guitar nice and straight, nice and close.

Easy Guitar Lessons Number 2: Getting to know the chord chart.

For the six chords you will be learning today, you will be focusing on the four first frets of the guitar. Frets, by the way, are the spaces between the metal vertical lines on the guitar. As there are six strings on the guitar, there will be 6 horizontal lines as well on the diagram representing the strings. Your fingers will be numbered 1-3 starting from the index finger.

Easy Guitar Lesson Number 3: The three basic chords.

The first chord you will need to study is the D chord. Finger #1 and #2 will be positioned on the second fret. Finger #1 will be on the third string while finger #2 will be on the first string. Finger #3 will be positioned on the third fret on the second string.

The second chord to study is the E chord which is one of the ideal chords for beginners to learn. Finger #1 is positioned on the first fret on the third string. Finger #2 and #3 will be on the second fret. Finger #2 will be positioned on the fifth string while finger#3 will be on the fourth string. Follow the diagram below.

The A chord is also one of the easiest chords to master. This chord can be played in more than one way but this is the basic method. All Fingers #1, #2, #3 are all positioned on the second fret. Finger #1 goes to the fourth string, finger #2 goes to the third string and Finger #3 is positioned on the second string. Refer below.

Easy Guitar Lesson Number 4: Strumming and changing chords.

The first three chords will now enable you to play some tunes with one additional step which is the strumming. Strumming your guitar is a fundamental skill to be learned. It is done by moving your dominant hand up and down on the strings. Always keep your hands moving. Don’t rush. Start slowly till you have strumming perfected. Start off slow then build up your speed gradually. The chords should ring out with no buzzing and only play the strings of that chord shown on the chord chart. On changing chords, master the basic cords. Set the beat. Change to the different chord before starting the next beat. To learn how to change chords and strum more effectively, practice on your favorite song with a slow beat.

These easy guitar lessons were designed to be a self-help tool for you. Enjoy playing guitar!

Guitar Finger Picking

Finger picking is a technique of playing the classical guitar where you use your thumb plus at least one added finger to pick or pluck notes, using your fingernails, fingerpicks or else fingertips. Various really gifted players be capable of use all 5 fingers on top of their picking hand, but most guitar players only use 4 fingers with use their pinky finger as being a support in the acoustic guitar.

Finger picking is most excellent acoustic guitar playing method that you will need to be trained if he's up for mellow songs, or something that originated from piano playing. As for me, it is a well known even the most effective guitar performance that I'd really love to determine myself. Not just that it exhibits a fantastic talent, it's also much more pleasing in your ears to listen to because of its soft, by-the-note, playing. Nearly everyone classical guitarists alter the shape of their picking hand fingernails for the purpose of manufacturing a preferred sound. Though, this isn't important in non-classical music; one should buy fingerpicks to suit on the hand.

Commonly finger picking calls for picking through chords well thought-out in the melody. Finger picking is needed comprehensively in folk guitar and classical guitar , other than it is usually frequent in other genres.

Finger picking is surprisingly trouble-free on an electric guitar, which can be odd for the reason that finger picking is frequently considered an acoustic technique. The player can grasp their picking hand's fourth finger against the right edge (left edge on a left-handed guitar), and whether it is held straight and steady, this technique is probably accustomed to brace the hand. This method known as anchoring, and is frowned upon by some players. It is usually possible on acoustic guitars by employing the bridge similarly, but this isn't as successful as it would soften the sound. Classical guitarists never anchor while playing.

When strumming with individual fingers, the broad-spectrum rule is move the wrist on condition that the thumb is needed, while if any other finger is used, only said finger will be used.

When you begin trying to study, your finger coordination are going to be bad and it is easy to get downcast. Requires quite a few days to let your muscle tissue build up, but if you practice with all your fingers without delay your on the whole dexterity will boost much faster.

Things to Know:

· Keeping your picking hand fingers curled is extremely important. If your fingers are even somewhat straight when finger picking, you need to adjust your technique. Your palm should move very little in the finger picking process. All movement should be done with fingers.

· If you are serious about wanting to fingerpick well, you might want to consider growing the nails on your picking hand slightly. This will give you a "brighter" sound

Acoustic Guitar Facts And Guitars For Small Hands

Music is and has been a huge part of most cultures around the world, and in many types of music the guitar plays an important role in creating and molding the sound and style of the music. Of course different types of guitars are used for different sounds and styles, and one quite common and popular type of guitars used is the acoustic guitars.

Acoustic guitars get their name from the type of amplification that they provide. Unlike electric guitars, it don't need external devices in order to form proper amplification, they are amplified acoustically. But the acoustic amplification provided by the Acoustic guitars does not produce a loud sound, so sometimes external devices are used to help amplify the its sound. It was the only type of guitars until electric guitars were created.

It’s generally feature the standard array of six strings, but there are also twelve string Acoustic guitars available as well. Custom Acoustic guitars sometimes feature fours, eight or ten string depending on the use. It is made of wood and the type of the wood used in the manufacturing process of the guitar will play a role in the quality of the sound of the guitar. There are some Guitars that are made of materials other than wood, but wood is the most commonly used construction material for acoustic guitars.

There is a wide variety of its makers but choosing the maker is not as important as choosing the materials that are used in construction and the overall sound of the guitar. Price is also an important factor when looking at Acoustic guitars, however many of the top manufacturers are known for the quality and affordability of their Acoustic guitars. The more expensive it is made of solid wood tops, sides and backs.

Zager is providing guitars for small hands and large hands. You can buy it online at very cheap rates. The quality of guitars is same as other popular brand but price is very less.